
Plants by Common Name

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Tecoma stans

Yellow Bells, Yellow Elder

Caesalpinia gilliesii

Yellow Bird Of Paradise

Bulbine latifolia

Yellow bulbine

Lantana 'Yellow Bush'

Yellow Bush Lantana

Santolina pinnata

Yellow Cotton

Lamium maculatum 'Aureum'

Yellow Dead Nettle

Rosa banksiae 'Lutea'

Yellow Lady Banks' Rose

Agave americana v. marginata

Yellow Margin Century Plant

Dietes bicolor

Yellow Moraea, Fortnight Lily

Bulbine frutescens

Yellow Stalked Bulbine

Trachelospermum asiaticum

Yellow Star Jasmine

Phormium 'Yellow Wave'

Yellow Wave Flax

Cladrastis kentuckea

Yellow Wood, Virgilia, Yellowwood

Sisyrinchium californicum Native Plant

Yellow-Eyed Grass

Thevetia peruviana

Yellow-Oleander, Lucky Nut

Podocarpus macrophyllus

Yew Pine

Iris pallida 'Argentea Variegata'

Zebra Iris

Aphelandra squarrosa

Zebra Plant

Zephranthes atamasco

Zephyr Flower

Zinnia elegans


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