

Gallery: Parking Strips

Sunshine Look
Semi-Trailing Yellow Gazania
Sea Lavender, Statice
Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy
Semi-Trailing Yellow Gazania

Common name:Semi-Trailing Yellow Gazania
Botanical name:Gazania 'Mitsua Yellow'

This somewhat hardy perennial will grow 6"-12" high and produces wonderful, bright yellow flowers.

Sea Lavender, Statice

Common name:Sea Lavender, Statice
Botanical name:Limonium perezii

This mounding shrub will reach about 3' high and has large, dark green leaves with small blue and purple flowers that bloom in spring and summer.

Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy

Common name:Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy
Botanical name:Erigeron karvinskianus

This low mounding perennial, with fine leaves and white to pinkish, daisy-like flowers, is an excellent asset to rock gardens.


Sunshine Look
Image: 5 of 27

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.